Where’s my snow?

Posted: November 10, 2010 in DECA

Did you know that this week is winter weather awareness week?  You can’t tell by looking out the window, but thanks to the morning news I got the 411.  I now know everything from winter storm names to farmer’s almanac reports, but the one ingredient missing is SNOW.  I enjoy each season for different reasons, it’s not because of the cold or limited hours of daylight; snow is why I like winter!  So where is the snow?  I can remember as a kid, there were November birthday parties with activities like snowball fights, fort building, sledding, and cups of hot chocolate.  Is it global warming, El Nino, or maybe someone up above is just playing a mean joke on me?  Your guess is as good as mine, but it better correct itself soon.

After all the fun I had last year rediscovering my love for snowboarding, I decided to make the investment and purchased a season pass to Nordic Mountain.  Of course I jumped on the early bird special and found a few friends that ride too, saving us all even a little more money; but this was months ago.  There it sits, attached to my boots, just staring at me from its comfortable spot in my living room.  I just can’t wait any longer to shred!  Maybe I need to just get in my car and drive towards snow, but wait the hills up north are still waiting for their first snowflakes too.  Looks like I just might be outa luck for a few more weeks.

Apart from the unseasonably warm weather, things have been trucking along pretty normally here at school.  I started a Dreamweaver class a few weeks back.  It’s just a 1 credit, 9-week deal but I’m really enjoying learning about the design side of the internet.  I really think design is going to play a larger role in my career than I anticipated.  I’m also taking a day off this Friday to check out a leadership conference with the Collegiate DECA Club from Oshkosh.  I’m not sure who the main speaker is, but I had such a great time last year seeing Jud Laippy (The Evolution of Dance) I’m sure this year will be no different!

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